Morning glories were the flowers of my youth. When I was young... just outside the backdoor of our home, I planted some morning glory seeds and had a wonderful scape of intertwining vines of this beautiful flower. I think it's the color... sort of a periwinkle color that captured my attention. Wherever/whenever I see this flower, I always smile... as it reminds me of a peaceful & happy time of growing flowers.Apparently it has some medicinal properties (China) as well as hallucinogenic properties (Mexico)... but I enjoy it for it's pure beauty!
I was reminded of these beautiful flowers while on break this morning. In back of the gallery in which I work there's a fence with the morning glories' vine trailing along the top. I just noticed today also that the inside of the flower sports a "star"... sort of like a sea star! It's nice & warming to see this flower of my youth... :-)What's your favorite flower, and why? :-)
I was invited to do an art show with a fellow glass artist this past Sunday @ Hawk's Cay Resort just north of Marathon. Veronica Guitierrez is a stained glass artist in Key Largo, dabbling in mosaics. To me, she's a "master" glass artist... having been involved with glass for over 20 years!Anyway... it was BLOODY HOT, as I like to say!! It was a trial show for the resort, they offered it *free* to Keys' artists, whoever wanted to come out and BRAVE the HOT Marina area for the whole weekend. Keys' artists don't generally do Summer shows here because it's just too hot all around; that's why many travel up to New England or the Midwest & do those shows -- it's A LOT cooler! '-D I don't know... maybe they do down in Key West, but they may be on the waterfront where it might be cooler. I believe 7 artists showed up on Saturday, and only one came back on Sunday (Gyotoku - fish prints). We did the show on Sunday... so there were only 3 of us there. We did well... made a few customers, Veronica gained a new student (thanks to me), and a possible commission (also thanks to me, I think!). I'm hoping that when I step on the scale tomorrow, it'll tell me that I lost a few pounds due to all the sweating I did that day! LOLIt was FUN to do the show... I haven't done one for several years and that was when I did the jewelry shows. I enjoy seeing customers, but I really don't enjoy all the set-up and breakdown and sweating it out. But this wasn't a bad one considering there were only 3 of us there... the odds were with us! '-)
These ring colors are popular these days: