Morning Glories...
Morning glories were the flowers of my youth. When I was young... just outside the backdoor of our home, I planted some morning glory seeds and had a wonderful scape of intertwining vines of this beautiful flower. I think it's the color... sort of a periwinkle color that captured my attention. Wherever/whenever I see this flower, I always smile... as it reminds me of a peaceful & happy time of growing flowers.Apparently it has some medicinal properties (China) as well as hallucinogenic properties (Mexico)... but I enjoy it for it's pure beauty!
I was reminded of these beautiful flowers while on break this morning. In back of the gallery in which I work there's a fence with the morning glories' vine trailing along the top. I just noticed today also that the inside of the flower sports a "star"... sort of like a sea star! It's nice & warming to see this flower of my youth... :-)What's your favorite flower, and why? :-)
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